Addresses and contact details
This page lists all important contact information for Büsing Müffelmann & Theye across Germany.
If you have any questions or require information, simply contact the nearest BMT office.
Büsing Müffelmann & Theye stands for fine legal solutions - wherever you call on us. With the whole range of resources from our network.
We would like to ask you to kindly refrain from sending us e-mails dealing with urgent issues or litigation. In urgent matters, please call us directly so that we can immediately place you with a contact partner. Thank you.
Berlin office
Kurfürstendamm 190/192 10707 Berlinphone +49 30 88 03 04-0 fax +49 30 88 03 04-26 vCard Berlin -
Frankfurt am Main office
Taunusanlage 18 60325 Frankfurt am Mainphone +49 69 17 23 24-0 fax +49 69 17 23 24-99 vCard Frankfurt am Main -
Munich office
Maximilianstraße 13 // III 80539 Munichphone +49 89 2000 455-40 fax +49 89 2000 455-45 vCard Munich -
Bremen office
Sögestr. 59-61 28195 Bremenphone +49 421 366 00-0 fax +49 421 366 00-444 vCard Bremen